2018: building the #LTHEchat community

It’s a new year and it’s a new day.

Last year Chrissi Nerantzi invited me to be part of the organising team for the #LTHEchat, which involves coordinating and organising activities from Jan-April 2018. I have joined in these chats over the years and really enjoyed the conversations and connections made so I was pleased to be able to join in a different way and support the activities.

For those that don’t know the LTHEchat, it is a weekly Learning and Teaching in Higher Education chat created by the community for the community and takes place Wednesday 8-9pm. The weekly chat is open to anyone interested in higher education and provides an opportunity to share practices, as well as ideas, and connect with other practitioners on a regular basis.

One of the outcomes of an initial conversation with my fellow organiser, Kiu Sum, a MRes student, is the aim to involve more students directly in the conversations. As a first step we are asking all the guest facilitators to promote their themed chats to students in their organisations. We are also exploring different ideas for involving students more directly as partners in the teaching and learning conversations in this new year of LTHEchats. If you have some thoughts on this please get in touch with us.

This year’s first chat is Wednesday 10th January and the questions are posed by Prof Dilly Fung with the theme ‘Connected Curriculum’. To me this approach with its focus on connecting students and faculty is a great way to enable positive partnerships.

Download the free version of A Connnected Curriculum from the UCL Press Website.

About kshjensen

Anthropologist. Ethnographic research and user experience. I craft, bake, like real ale and stacking stones. Currently working on developing research impact.
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